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The Logs Tab provides administrators with a view of the transaction, audit and system logs captured by the application.

Each log can be viewed using a date filter, showing hours, last day, week, month and year of entries.

Transaction Log

This log is used to capture every query that has been run on the system by end users. The elements shown in the transaction log are as follows:

  • Transaction ID - a unique identifier for the log entry
  • User ID - the ID of the user that generated the transaction
  • Cells - the count of returned cells in the underlying query - calculated as rows x columns
  • Duration - the time in milliseconds for the server to complete the rendering of the query
  • Server - the data-source server that rendered the query
  • Database - the database that was queried
  • Cube - the cube that was queried
  • Time-Stamp - the time at which the query was initiated
  • Status - a flag denoting if the query completed successfully or not.
  • Machine Name - the name of the machine that processed the query.
  • Authentication Type - used to determine what authentication method was used on each transactional call.

Audit Log

This log is used to capture the log-ins of users every time they access the application. The elements shown in the audit log are as follows:

  • Audit ID - a unique identifier for the log entry
  • User ID- the ID of the user that generated the audit entry
  • Login At - the time at which the user was logged entering the application
  • Authentication Type - used to determine what authentication method was used on each login.

System Log

This log is used to show system message from the application.

  • Log ID - a unique identifier for the log entry
  • Time Stamp - the time at which the entry was made
  • Module - the section of the platform that generated the message
  • Class - the name of the code section that generated the message
  • Message Type - The type of message logged
  • Message - the full text of the message. Using the ellipsis button, users can see the entire body of the message
Export Log

(icon next to the System Log button)

Click this button to export the System Logs to a .csv file.

NOTE: This option is not available for the Transaction or Audit Logs.

Log Purge

At any time, administrators can purge the logs using the purge settings on the top right hand corner.

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