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Administrators can make the following changes to the application:

Application Design Settings
  • Set Application Title - you can change the displayed name of application on the webpage tab.
  • Set Admin Title - you can change the displayed name of the admin console on the webpage tab.

IMPORTANT: The "Set Application/Admin Title" capabilities are ONLY available for OEM or Enterprise licenses.

NOTE: Enterprises can add a name to the Application/Admin Console title, but not replace it.

  • Set Default Interface Color - allows administrators to set the default color of the application interface. Administrators can also set whether end users will have the right to choose their own application skin color.
    • Allow user to override interface color logos - check this box
  • Set Private Branding Logos - this dialog provide a mechanism for adding a private logo to the welcome screen in the client. If a logo is not supplied, the default Pyramid logo is used instead.

IMPORTANT: The small logo option is only enabled with the OEM license.

NOTE: The logos must be supplied in SilverLight XAML format.

NOTE: You can add an HTML5 logo, which will ONLY be displayed in the HTML5 view.

Home Page Options
  • Show Contact Us - disabling this feature turns the "Support" button off in the Account page in backstage. (When enabled, the mail address for "contact us" email can be customized.)
  • Show Tutorial Media - disabling this feature turns the "Tutorials" button off in the Account page in backstage. (When enabled, the URL address can be customized.)
  • Show Community- disabling this feature turns the "Community" button off in the Account page in backstage.
  • Use Customer Help File - enabling this feature allows you to specify the location of the help file. (When disabled, the default location is used.)
  • Suppress Leave Session Warning - disabling this feature stops the warning message from being displayed when you leave a session.

IMPORTANT: The customization features are ONLY available for OEM or Enterprise licenses.

Language Support Settings
  • Right-to-Left support - enabling this feature will provide end users with a right-to-left button in the client for changing the direction of content presented. This is often required for right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic. 
  • Multilingual Support - enabling this feature will provide end users with the choice to pick from a list of supported languages in the application. Disabling the feature will force the application (and cubes) to be loaded up in the default language of the browser (if supported) or English if there is no language in the system.
  • Set Default Language - Administrators can also set a default language.


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